Exp: 500x | Sp: 500x | Adena: 500x | Items: 1x | Spoil: 1x | Drop: 1x
*Custom Items
Farm Item
Nobless Item
Hero Item that makes you hero for 1 day, not easy to get
Custom mask, accesory, tattoo
Custom Armors Vesper Gold
Custom Weapons Icarus
- System Offline shop
- Custom Raid Boss for big drop Zone1,Zone2,Zone3
- New system for PvP Combat (delay 0) (reuse 1) for all skills!
- Regeneration 100% (mana,cp,hp) !
- Subclass system : 5 non-stackable subclasses on a single char available
- Server Time on Log in
- No Nobless quest
- Max Buffs slot 70
- Buffs Time 3 Hours
- Max 2 Clan for Ally
- If you are in combat you can't use Npcs
- Auto TvT event starts every hour
- Dual Box Protection - on TvT auto event, on Olympiad, in Clan Reputation system, in PvP | PK system
- Anti-bot protection - for such applications like L2Walker, etc.
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